Arcane University: Tilesets (2D)

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< Arcane University:Concept Art

In concept art (specifically in Skyrim modding) there are a variety of types of claims (or categories) you may encounter and choose to concept. Not all categories can be designed and presented the same way and they are often subject to different expectations.

Note that the information you read here might not apply to projects outside of Beyond Skyrim, or even within Beyond Skyrim - a project's art lead may have their own way of doing things. Be sure to clarify what their expectations are if you are unsure. But as a whole, if you follow these guidelines, you’ll be creating good Skyrim modding concept art.

Be sure to read our main Concept Art page for an overview of the basic workflow, expectations, and technical information needed for any claim. This page is additional reading.


A tileset is likely the most complicated of all the claim types. This claim includes multiple different views, concepts of corner pieces, walls, doors, stairs, hallways, rooms and how they might all fit together. This also includes additives such as specific wall pieces, rubble, statues, and more that will be used when constructing the layout of an interior by Level Designers.

In short, these claims are a huge undertaking and are usually worked on by a small team of skilled, dependable senior artists of the project. What kind of layout is dependent on what part of the tileset is being worked on. This claim may intersect with architecture. For assets such as wall pieces and statues, see clutter or furniture.

See Also