User:Thingy Person

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A Technical History of Beyond Skyrim (WIP)

This article outlines some technical aspects of Beyond Skyrim in order to preserve a correct history and debunk some myths.


Reasons for developing a common heightmap, the two worldspace bugs, BSTamriel.esm

Master Limit

DLCs as masters, SSE CK Fixes master limit remover

Legendary Edition

Projects switching to SE, parallel versions of BSAssets, eventual deprecation of LE assets


SKSE as end user requirement: dependency of Bruma LE (and used SKSE script functions before removal in order to work on Xbox), former dependency of Atmora (DOBJ manipulation for combat music)

SKSE as developer tool: Fuz Ro D'oh, Beta Comments, Ingame Editor, etc.


Improvements to ck-cmd and Skyrim Behavior Tool finally allowing for reliably creating custom behavior graphs