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Cleaning Plugins Intended for Merge

Though there are plenty of guides for cleaning plugins intended for players, the process of cleaning plugins for development is not well explained. These two processes differ significantly, and submitting a plugin cleaned for play for merge can result in issues worse than submitting a "dirty" plugin. Still, the best practice is to submit cleaned plugins for merge, and this guide is intended to detail the steps to do so. This process should only be done once work on a plugin is complete and tested. Though it will render the plugin ideal for merging, it may cause issues if the plugin is loaded into the game and played. If you are not making plugins for a collaborative team that will be merged into a master plugin, this guide is not for you.

This guide makes heavy use of xEdit. Version should not be a huge concern, but ensure no matter what version you are using to not use the QuickAutoClean tool. This tool is great in ensuring a plugin is safe for play but creates bloat when an autocleaned plugin is merged into its master.

Overwritten records By far the most common dirty edits are edits to existing references from plugins that your plugin loads as a master. In order to filter

Worldspace Limitations

In the years following Skyrim's release, much has been learned via trial and error regarding the limitations of the game's engine. This article intends to shine a light on some of these issues so that they do not need to be rediscovered.