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Revision as of 15:47, 29 June 2017 by Enodoc (talk | contribs) (includeonly)
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This template is used to create an external link without the http://skins.uesp.net/monobook/external-ltr.png icon displayed in most skins.


Parameter Scope Description
1 required The name of the local or interwiki page.
2 optional A name to use for the link.
3 optional A query string such as action=edit. Remember to escape equals signs or use 3=action=edit.
style optional A CSS style string to be applied to the link.


Link Type Example Results
External link to local page {{Pl|Category:Templates}} [1]
Interwiki link with name with CSS coloring {{Pl|Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Main Page|Wikipedia Main Page|style=color:green}} Wikipedia Main Page
Action query (with escaped = in third parameter) {{Pl|UESPWiki:Community Portal|Edit Community Portal|action{{=}}edit}} Edit Community Portal
Diff (long-hand) {{Pl|Main Page|Last edit to Main Page|3=diff=0&oldid=prev}} Last edit to Main Page
What Links Here? {{Pl|Special:WhatLinksHere|3=''Pages that link to Lore:Thaumaturgy''|4=3=target=''Lore:Thaumaturgy''&namespace=}} Pages that link to Lore:Thaumaturgy