File list
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
16:34, 11 April 2020 | BlenderExp18.jpg (file) | 38 KB | Picture of the error occurring during Nif export when the user hasn't UV unwrapped an object, but did assign a texture to the UV Map | 1 | |
15:17, 16 April 2020 | Num Constraints Refresh.png (file) | 11 KB | Indication of the Num Constraints property and the location of the Refresh button | 1 | |
15:39, 16 April 2020 | Rigid Body Coordinate System.png (file) | 128 KB | Illustration of the local coordinate system of a rigid body in Nifskope, as opposed to the global coordinate system. | 1 | |
15:03, 20 April 2020 | BlenderExp5.jpg (file) | 46 KB | Screenshot of the new version (also containing all shader flags 1, as z_buffer_test was cutoff in the previous version) | 2 | |
15:23, 20 April 2020 | ShaderFlags2.jpg (file) | 37 KB | Checked Envmap Light Fade | 2 | |
16:33, 23 April 2020 | OS Properties Location.png (file) | 13 KB | Indicates where you can find the properties menu of a shape in Outfit Studio. | 1 | |
16:36, 23 April 2020 | Unchecked Skinned.png (file) | 7 KB | Image of an unchecked "Skinned" flag in the Outfit Studio properties menu. | 1 | |
04:53, 24 April 2020 | Selected Reference Shape.png (file) | 16 KB | Showing how to select the correct reference shape from your reference NIF. | 1 | |
05:02, 24 April 2020 | Partition Location.png (file) | 57 KB | Indication of where in the NIF tree the partition of a NIF can be modified. | 1 | |
11:53, 26 April 2020 | Polycount Shading Comparison.png (file) | 119 KB | Cropped Margins | 2 | |
12:04, 26 April 2020 | PolygonWireframe.jpg (file) | 100 KB | Wireframe of various shapes in polygon form | 1 | |
12:04, 26 April 2020 | TriangleWireframe.jpg (file) | 127 KB | Wireframe of various shapes in triangle form. | 1 | |
08:46, 19 July 2020 | SEQMenu.png (file) | 41 KB | Illustration showing where to find the "Create SEQ File" option of xEdit. | 1 | |
08:48, 19 July 2020 | SeqSuccessMessage.png (file) | 3 KB | The message xEdit shows when successfully creating an SEQ file. | 1 | |
17:14, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Edit Poly Modifier.png (file) | 479 KB | Showing the Edit Poly modifier in 3DS Max | 1 | |
17:15, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Triangles.png (file) | 487 KB | Showing how triangles are displayed in 3DS Max through a dashed line when the model is quads. | 1 | |
17:22, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Create helper.png (file) | 13 KB | Showing the menu for creating a "helper" object like bhkCollisionObject, NiNode and NiFurniture | 1 | |
17:25, 23 July 2020 | 3DS CollisionObject Parameters.png (file) | 12 KB | Showing the parameters submenu of a collision object in 3DS Max. | 1 | |
17:26, 23 July 2020 | 3DS RigidBody Parameters.png (file) | 13 KB | Showing the RigidBody parameters menu in 3DS Max | 1 | |
17:28, 23 July 2020 | 3DS COM Display Parameters.png (file) | 10 KB | Showing the 3DS Max submenus for Center of Mass and display parameters on a bhkCollisionObject. | 1 | |
17:35, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Collision Type Dropdown.png (file) | 4 KB | Showing the different collision types possible to choose from in 3DS Max. | 1 | |
17:37, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Collision Meshes List.png (file) | 2 KB | Showing the box in 3DS Max where all meshes linked to the collision object will be displayed. | 1 | |
17:39, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Scene Explorer.png (file) | 225 KB | Showing the scene explorer menu in 3DS Max | 1 | |
17:41, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Mesh Collision Object.png (file) | 223 KB | Showing how a mesh turns blue when it is part of a collision object. | 1 | |
18:17, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Edit Collision Shape.png (file) | 11 KB | Showing the 3DS Max menu for editing the properties of a collision mesh. | 1 | |
18:20, 23 July 2020 | NifSkope Time Gravity Factor.png (file) | 52 KB | Showing the location and correct values of the time and gravity factor in NifSkope. | 1 | |
18:22, 23 July 2020 | 3DS COM Options.png (file) | 97 KB | Showing how to edit the Center of Mass in 3DS Max. | 1 | |
18:29, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Dope Sheet Option.png (file) | 45 KB | Showing where in 3DS Max the Dope Sheet can be accessed. | 1 | |
18:30, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Add Note Track.png (file) | 91 KB | Showing how to add a note track in 3DS Max | 1 | |
18:32, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Notes Window Location.png (file) | 62 KB | Showing where the notes window appears in 3DS Max | 1 | |
18:34, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Example Start Note.png (file) | 4 KB | Showing how a start note should be named for Skyrim animations | 1 | |
18:35, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Example End Note.png (file) | 4 KB | Showing how an end note should be named for Skyrim animations | 1 | |
18:37, 23 July 2020 | 3DS Export Options.png (file) | 29 KB | Showing the 3DS Max Nif Export menu and its options. | 1 | |
13:30, 25 July 2020 | 3DS Import Menu.png (file) | 22 KB | The menu of options displayed when importing NIFs into 3DS Max using the plugin. | 1 | |
14:14, 25 July 2020 | Chunkmerge (file) | 78 KB | Zip file containing a nif.xml for NitUtilSuite and template nifs for use with Chunkmerge. | 1 | |
10:45, 8 August 2020 | New Folder Details.png (file) | 25 KB | Showing the details menu of a newly created Google Drive folder. | 1 | |
12:17, 8 August 2020 | Google Drive Share Menu.png (file) | 28 KB | Showing the menu when sharing a file via Google Drive | 1 | |
12:22, 8 August 2020 | Google Drive Add Collaborator Menu.png (file) | 24 KB | Menu shown when you choose to share your file or folder with a specific person in Google Drive. | 1 | |
12:45, 8 August 2020 | Google Drive Shareable Link Menu.png (file) | 26 KB | The menu that shows up when clicking "Get shareable link" in Google Drive | 1 | |
12:54, 8 August 2020 | Shared Folder Details.png (file) | 22 KB | Showing the details menu of a Google Drive folder which has been set to 'Anyone with the link'. | 1 | |
14:01, 23 August 2020 | Blender Nif Plugin Scene Tab.png (file) | 19 KB | Screenshot of the game and nif settings for Skyrim in the scene tab of Blender 2.8 with the Blender nif plugin installed. | 1 | |
14:35, 23 August 2020 | Blender Static Object Hierarchy.png (file) | 6 KB | Screenshot of the object hierarchy for Barrel02 in Blender 2.8 when working with the nif plugin. | 1 | |
12:29, 28 August 2020 | Blender Create Empty Axes.png (file) | 77 KB | Screenshot of the Blender menu showing how to create an empty axes object. | 1 | |
12:31, 28 August 2020 | Blender Nif Plugin BSFadeNode.png (file) | 13 KB | Screenshot of Blender 2.8 with the Nif plugin showing how to set the selected empty axes object to be a BSFadeNode (instead of the default NiNode). | 1 | |
12:35, 28 August 2020 | Blender Nif Plugin Texture Nodes.png (file) | 31 KB | Screenshot of the image texture nodes setup in Blender 2.8, for use with the Nif plugin, specifically their names. | 1 | |
14:34, 14 March 2021 | AU Animated Logo.gif (file) | 54.45 MB | Logo for the Arcane University, created and animated by Thog. | 1 | |
14:46, 14 March 2021 | AU Animated Logo Small.gif (file) | 1.14 MB | Smaller version of the AU Animated Logo file. | 1 | |
10:19, 13 November 2021 | Substance Painter Logo.png (file) | 4 KB | 1 | ||
10:20, 13 November 2021 | Quixel Mixer Logo.png (file) | 1 KB | 1 | ||
10:20, 13 November 2021 | Gimp Logo.png (file) | 3 KB | 1 |