Morrowind:Main Page

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Main Site Morrowind: The Star-Wounded East
Setting Morrowind
Current Version
Start Date 2016

Morrowind: The Star-Wounded East is a project under the Beyond Skyrim banner which aims to recreate the province of Morrowind in the Fourth Era.

Venture to Morrowind, a vast and alien land that has suffered greatly at the hands of fate. Lose yourself in the complicated politics of the plotting Houses of the Dunmer, discover the strange and beautiful life that makes its home in the east, or uncover the secret histories that lie beneath the ash. Rediscover the lands of the east, reimagined and rebuilt in the 4th Era by a passionate and dedicated modding team.

Project Releases[edit]

General Information[edit]

Descriptions of the various orders and guilds in existence
An archive of known creatures and constructs
Information about the plants that can be found growing in the area
Information and maps about the various locations within the region

Miscellaneous Information[edit]