Morrowind:Great House Sadras

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Great House Sadras is one of the youngest houses currently in control of Morrowind

3rd Era[edit]

During the time of the Nerevarine, Great House Sadras was just House Sadras. They didn't have a significant presence on Vvardenfell.

4th Era[edit]

After the Empire was kicked out of Morrowind, and House Hlaalu along with them, Great House Sadras was uplifted to fill the gap. They fill the niche that House Hlaalu left behind, being a far more syncretic and tolerant house of Morrowind, taking care of the large foreign population in formerly Hlaalu lands. Unlike the rest of Morrowind, they have their own temple, the Sadrasi Temple, which combines Eight of the Nine Divines into the Dunmeri Pantheon.